Web site Dutch 470 Class Association | |
Open Dutch 470 Class Championships 2014 |
Date | 16-17- August 2014 |
Venue | Scharendijke - Grevelingenmeer |
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The Open Dutch 470 Class Championships will be held on Lake Grevelingen, located the Grevelingenlake in Dutch Province "Zeeland". Click on the image for large PDF view |
Lake Grevelingen | Lake Grevelingen is connected to the North Sea. The water is salty and has the particular character to be crystal clear. That is why many sailors, divers and people enjoying swimming love the lake so much. |
About Scharendijke | Scharendijke is a typical ancient dutch village in the middle of a region which is very much beloved by Summer tourists. |
Bring your friends and family | For those who want to plan a vacation with friends and family, the region around Scharendijke has a lot to offer. You will enjoy sightseeing, typical Dutch culture, villages with bars and restaurants, beaches, lakes, sea-side, attractions and most of all, the regional climate. |
Location | |
Benelux Championships | The event is part of the annual Benelux Championships.Other classes taking part in the event are: Laser Std. / 4.7 / Radial, Solo, Snipe, FD, FJ, Finn, RS 500 and Vaurien. |
EUROCUP | The 470 Class knows a strong developing circuit of events in Germany, Belgium and Holland, known as the EuroCup. The circuit is characterized by participation of sailors who love to sail a 470, however without Olympic aspirations. Watch it now ..., you will have competition of sailors with an Olympic campaign history, but everyone shares the thought of leisure, friendship social experience and sailing fast! |
History Benelux Championships | The Benelux Championships has always been a very popular event for 470's, especially in the 70's and 80's. In those days, about 70 crews from all around Europe battled for the Benelux Title. The event was an important part of the Olympic campaign calender for many, such as for the Dutch brothers Kouwenhoven who won the 470 World Title for two times, and participated in the Olympics for two times as well. 470 Olympians from the past, such as John Stavenuiter, have participated lately in the Benelux Championships. Also many National 420 class heroes from the past still participate in the Benelux Championships. The event is there to bring back all together. |
Event Programme | Friday 15 August Sa. / Su. 16-17 August |
Notice of Race Sailing instructions |
Notice of Race |
Entry FORM |
Click here to download the entry fom (MS Word) |
ENTRY LIST | Click here to download the up to date entry list |
Accommodation | The surroundings of Scharendijke offer all kinds of accommodation in every price class. Bungalows, Camping places, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast,etc. Contact the regional Tourist Bureau. http://www.vvvzeeland.nl/en/
Questions | If you have any questions, please contact the Dutch 470 Class Association: